Lincolnshire deemed ‘trending UK hotspot’ by travel company

Watch more of our videos on Shots! and live on Freeview channel 276 Visit Shots! now Lincolnshire has been listed as one of the fastest growing UK holiday destinations, according to travel giants Expedia. They say, based on searches for hotel stays in 2023, Lincolnshire has seen a 70 per cent increase in people looking to visit the county. Other trending UK hotspots were Brighton (+75%), Swansea (+75%), and Durham (+60%), and the company says Brits are continuing to explore new destinations at home – a trend that has continued post-pandemic. People are no longer simply attracted to Lincoln and…

5 Reasons Why Thailand Is a Favorite Destination for Tourists

In recent years, Thailand’s tourism activity has increased. Tourists from various countries make Thailand a favorite country for holidays, even for tourists solo traveler. Quoting the official website of the Thai Government, more than 28 million foreign tourists will visit Thailand in 2023. The majority come from Asia, such as Malaysia, China, South Korea, India and Russia. What do you think makes Thailand a favorite destination for tourists? Here are some reasons. 1. Pocket-friendly cost of living illustration of the Thai Baht currency ( Currency exchange rates and pocket-friendly costs of living are one of the main reasons tourists visit…

World’s most controversial tourist destinations

When we think of travel, we often have images of serene beaches, breathtaking landscapes, good food and cultural wonders. However, there exists a subset of destinations that garner attention not for their beauty alone but for their controversial nature. These places, despite their contentious reputations, continue to draw curious travellers from all over the world. Countries with fastest visa processing time FacebookTwitterPintrest From political hotbeds to sites of tragedy, here are some of the world’s most controversial tourist destinations. Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and Pripyat, Ukraine: The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster of 1986 left a lasting mark on the world’s…

Jadwal Kapal Rute Lombok – Situbondo pada Sabtu 2 Maret 2024

Lombok Barat, IDN Times – Penyeberangan lintas Pelabuhan Lembar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, NTB menuju Pelabuhan Ketapang, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, dialihkan ke Pelabuhan Jangkar, Kabupaten Situbondo, Jawa Timur sejak 15 Desember 2023. Pelabuhan Jangkar berada di Kecamatan Jangkar, Kabupaten Situbondo, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pelabuhan Penyeberangan Jangkar merupakan pelabuhan milik Pemerintah Kabupaten Situbondo yang bekerja sama dengan PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) dalam pengelolaan penjualan tiketnya. 1. Jadwal kapal rute Lembar – Jangkar Kapal penyeberangan antre sandar di Pelabuhan Lembar Lombok Barat. (IDN Times/Muhammad Nasir) Panjang lintasan Lembar – Jangkar adalah 152 mill laut dengan waktu tempuh (sailling time) kurang lebih 19 jam.…