Travel News

Salary IDR 3 Billion Offered for Moving Work to This Island

Jakarta – A salary equivalent to IDR 3 billion is offered to job seekers. However, travelers are required to work on an island. Citing BBCWednesday (5/3/2024), would 150,000 pounds sterling or the equivalent of IDR 3 billion tempt you to move to one of the most beautiful parts of Scotland? So one of England’s most remote GP practices, which serves the Hebridean islands of Uist and Benbecula, is offering these salaries to attract new doctors to live and work there. ADVERTISEMENT SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT On the nearby Isle of Rum, parents are looking for a new schoolteacher for… READ MORE
Travel News

First to have a homeport in RI, Resort World Cruises sets sail starting in June

Jakarta – The cruise ship owned by Resorts World Cruises will be the first international cruise ship to have a homeport at Tanjung Priok Harbor, Jakarta. Resort World One cruises will begin during the local school holidays from 16 June – 1 July 2024, with a 6 day / 5 night cruise from Jakarta to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. “As an international cruise company originating from Asia, Resorts World Cruises is very enthusiastic and proud to be the pioneer of the first homeport in Indonesia. Indonesians are already familiar with the Resorts World Cruises brand which sails out of Singapore… READ MORE
Travel News

ASTINDO Travel Fair 2024 Dimulai, Target Transaksinya Rp 100 Miliar

ILUSTRASI. ASTINDO Travel Fair 2024. Reporter: Jane Aprilyani | Editor: Jane Aprilyani KONTAN.CO.ID – Asosiasi Travel Agent Indonesia (ASTINDO) kembali menggelar pameran wisata ASTINDO Travel Fair 2024. Pameran yang resmi dibuka hari ini (1/3) diikuti oleh mitra travel agent, supporting airlines, hotel, cruise liner, national tourism organization, tourist destination, travel related products & services, perbankan, serta asuransi perjalanan tanah air.  Acara yang berlangsung sampai 3 Maret 2024 di Tangerang ini juga digelar di empat kota besar lainnya, yaitu Bali, Malang, Medan, dan Palembang. Ketua Umum ASTINDO Pauline Suharno optimistis, ASTINDO Travel Fair kali ini akan lebih meriah dan menarik minat… READ MORE
Travel News

Konjen Malaysia Sambut Gembira Pelaksanaan Astindo Travel Fair Sumut, MEDAN – Konsulat Jenderal Malaysia di Medan Encik Shahril Nizam bin Abdul Malek mengucap selamat dan sukses kepada ASTINDO Sumatera Utara dan semua pihak yang terlibat pada ASTINDO Travel Fair SUMUT 2024 atas keberhasilan penyelenggaraan acara ini. Bagi beliau ini merupakan satu inisiatif yang amat baik mempertemukan pengusaha pariwisata di bawah satu atap dan menawarkan berbagai pilihan paket wisata yang menarik dan terkini. Memasuki tahun 2024, setelah industri pariwisata jatuh akibat Pandemi Covid-19. Kini, industri pariwisata sedang dalam masa-masa bergerak dengan cepat untuk bangkit semula. Saat semua orang tidak lagi takut untuk keluar dari rumah dan ramai di antara… READ MORE
Travel News

Singapore wants to attract as many Indonesian tourists as possible this year

Jakarta – Singapore is determined to bring in large numbers of Indonesian tourists this year. This is what is offered. Singapore is aggressively attracting tourists from various countries. One thing that attracts the attention of the Lion Country is of course Indonesia. This is because Indonesia will be the largest contributor of tourists to Singapore in 2023. According to information from the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), Wednesday (29/2/2024), it was recorded that tourist visits from Indonesia led the surge in tourists with almost 2.3 million visitors. Followed by China and Malaysia with 1.4 million and 1.1 million tourists respectively. ADVERTISEMENT… READ MORE